Prop installation in Palo Alto, CA.
The Prop panel is a perforated steel unit, which can be combined in numerous combinations to create a wide variety of arrangements.
The strength of Prop panels lies in their ability to be endlessly combined into a modular ceiling system.
Simply mount any strut or grid system to the ceiling of a space. The mounting points of the Prop panels work with this simple spacing, allowing for convenient design and installation.

Lights and sound
Two optional inserts are available, to address the lighting and acoustic needs of a space. The first is a lighting insert, a thin LED panel specially fabricated to fit within a Prop. These evenly distribute light and may be syncedwith building daylight sensors for site-specific dimming. The second is an acoustic foam insert that helps to dampen ambient noise

The panels have an opacity of 46%, allowing air to circulate through the membrane of the Prop ceiling system. Prop panels may be hung below HVAC ducts at a single height, or in separate clouds to allow for varying heights. We can also accommodate specific needs for your space.
Prop panels have a triangular hole at the center that is 4 inches in diameter at its smallest point. This allows most sprinkler heads to be positioned through these holes. The Prop panel’s 46% opacity allows water from above-system sprinklers to fall through. We can also accommodate specific sprinkler or
fire-related needs for your space.

Prop installation at Amazon HQ, Seattle WA